World Food Safety Day

Every year on 23 June, the world marks its last hope for food security by raising awareness of hunger and the need to reduce it. This day has become known as Food Security Day (also known as FRD24 or World Food Day). The reason why we have this particular date is that it was the first time when the global community acknowledged the fact that hunger can be a social as well as a economic problem.

It started in 1990, when Pope John Paul II declared it World Food Day. It was only seven years after the end of the Cold War, when tensions were running high between Russia and Georgia over South Ossetia. The small mountainous state had its own problems: poverty, alcoholism and separatist tendencies were widespread there.

But its neighboring Georgia also had problems with famine and a lack of affordable food. ‘We are all from Georgia’, said President Mikhail Saakashvili one day before he announced his country’s withdrawal from interstate relations in May 2008. It was very appropriate for this small country at that moment in history because its people needed solidarity more than ever.

In August 2008, massive riots left 41 dead and thousands homeless in Tbilisi and other Georgian cities . The clashes were triggered by bread prices which skyrocketed overnight . Georgian語 (Georgians) have been harvesting their summer crops but prices have not come down so they cannot buy enough to feed their families until next season. Russia’s embargo against Georgia has made things even harder

Why is Food Security Day celebrated?

This day is observed to raise awareness of the need to reduce hunger and the effects of inaccessibility of food. The movement was started by Pope John Paul II in 1990 as a way to increase cooperation between church and state.

World Food Day

It is estimated that more than 2.8 billion people are hungry around the world. An additional 700 million people are undernourished. The number of undernourished people has grown by 50% over the last 15 years.

The number of hungry people is much higher: an estimated 50% of the hungry are children, the elderly, and pregnant women. In most parts of the world, it is estimated that only 10% of the population is considered “fully” or “fully and properly” fed. This means that they are able to consume the recommended amounts of food per day. This is often the case in developing countries where there is a high incidence of under-nutrition.

By contrast, in developed countries, about 75% of the population is considered “fully” or “fully and properly” fed. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that “nutrient-poor diets” account for 50% of all malnutrition cases.

What can be done to ensure food security?

In order to achieve food security, we need to be able to feed our population and have the right amount of nutritious food available to do so. It is important that people have access to safe, healthy, and nutritious food.

To achieve this, we need to: –

  • Ensure that people have access to safe and healthy food.
  • Have the right amount of nutritious food available to meet dietary needs.
  • Control production and transport of food to reduce the environmental impact of production and transport.
  • Be aware of people who need our help and our food.
  • Be ready to help when someone needs our help.
  • Be willing to change when things are not going well.

What is world food security?

The concept of world food security is, at its root, a health concept. It is about people having access to food and eating the right food for healthy living. World food security is therefore about people’s health. The concept is based on the health of the population and how food affects that health. It is about people’s ability to protect their health by ensuring that they get the right amount of calories and nutrients from food. This is achieved by setting and maintaining an appropriate diet, having a healthy weight, and not using tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs.

How to achieve world food security?

This will require: –
⦁ Ensuring that people have access to safe and healthy food.
⦁ Having the right amount of nutritious food available to meet dietary needs.
⦁ Control production and transport of food to reduce the environmental impact of production and transport.
⦁ Be aware of people who need our help and our food.
⦁ Be ready to help when someone needs our help.
⦁ Be willing to change when things are not going well.
⦁ Conclusion Keeping in mind that hunger can be a major cause of stress for people and that it can have a negative impact on both physical and mental health, it is our responsibility to try and prevent it as much as possible.


By making certain lifestyle changes such as getting enough sleep, staying active, and avoiding addictive behaviors, we can help prevent hunger from occurring.


The top three reasons for hunger are distribution, access and demand. If we improve access by making the right choices and having enough food on the table, demand will follow suit. These two issues are closely connected: if people have enough to eat, they won’t buy the food that is available to them.

Why is world food security important?

The most obvious reason is that people who are hungry are less likely to participate in the economic activities of society. They are less likely to learn to cook, they are less likely to go to school, they are less likely to work and they are less likely to contribute to society at large. As a result, the productivity of the whole society is reduced.

What will happen if we do not achieve world food security?

If we don’t have enough food to eat, then people will stop working. They will start to consume more, which will raise the average income of the entire country, but it will mean an increased demand for the goods and services of other people.

If people get hungry again, then production will have to be adjusted to make sure people get the goods they want. This adjustment may mean paying more for some products or services or having to work longer hours for the same pay.

In all these cases, productivity is reduced and therefore the average person’s standard of living is reduced. This is the opposite of what we want: we want everyone to be able to eat well and be productive members of society, not to work harder for the same pay.


Well, the good news is that we have the knowledge and the tools to solve the hunger problem. The bad news is that most people are unaware that hunger exists and that they can do something about it. So what can we do? We have to educate people. We have to tell them that hunger can and will be stopped. We have to teach them how to cook so they can provide for their families and enable others to eat too. And we have to do it as soon as possible.

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